News Archive
Added a Macintosh section to the Apple area of the Library as well as DEC and Honeywell areas.
2024-05-11 | Library Updates | Added documents to the Apple II, Apple III, Atari and Exidy libraries. Added libraries for the AT&T, Commodore, Fortune and Mindset systems as well.
Just doing some minor updates on the site in preparation of future enhancements. Also added a few pictures for systems that were missing them.
2022-09-28 | MTU-130 and MAME | Happy to announce that MAME now has a working MTU-130 emulation! Been working towards this day for some time and it is finally here. You can now start to explore some of the features of this interesting and rare 6502 based system now as well as the 68000 addon card. Working on additional hardware to be emulated as well as recovering more documentation and software so should have more updates soon.
2022-09-09 | MTU-130 Updates | Added some more documentation to the MTU-130 resource section. Also have some hopefully big news related to the MTU-130 coming around the end of the month so check back then.
Added more PDFs to the Apple 2 and the MTU-130 resource section.
2021-11-24 | MTU-130 Updates | I've been able to gather all my MTU-130 hardware, software and documentation together again in one place. I've begun to catalog all of it in preparation to scan/image/document everything. You can see the current catalog of documentation and software here.
2021-07-07 | Coleco Adam Doc | Added a Coleco Adam section to the library where I'll be placing various documentation for the system.
2021-04-29 | OSI Newsletters | Cataloged a bunch of Ohio Scientific (OSI) newsletters. Volumes 1.1-2.2 (Jul 77-Mar/Apr 78) of Ohio Scientific's Small Systems Journal and volumes 1.3-7.3 (Mar 80-Mar 86) of Peek (65)-The Unofficial OSI Users Journal. I'll stick any that aren't available online otherwise into my to-scan pile.
Catching up on some backlog items. Added several new docs to the Apple II library as well as some new donated docs to the MTU-130 resources. Working on moving to a new server and hopefully site updates in the very new future.
Added the MTU-130 Double Density Disk Controller Manual to the MTU-130 section of the resources center and the Apple III Owner's Guide and Apple III Profile Owner's Manual to the Apple III section of the Apple library.
2020-07-19 | Various updates | Been a while but I'm in the process of re-writing a bunch of the site code and moving the collection. For now I've recently added some new docs to the Apple //, Atari 8-Bit and TI-99/4A library section. Also added an "Old Friends" section for systems that are no longer a part of the collection.
2018-10-15 | Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen dies | We've lost another one, Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft has passed away today of cancer at the age of 65.
Added a scan of the MTU-130 Hardware Manual in a new MTU-130 section of the Resource section of the site.
2014-06-01 | General News and Updates | Acquired a few new systems but as the server was moving physical locations and was down for a while, they haven't been added in yet. Should be able to update things more often as it is in a better location for me to work with now. Been far to long.
2013-09-13 | Wayne Green (1922-2013) | Learned Wayne Green passed away. He published lots of tech books and magazines in the early days of microcomputers. Notably BYTE, 73, Kilobaud, 80 Microcomputing and inCider. I enjoyed and learned a lot from many of his publications and he is missed. Thanks for all of it.
2012-08-22 | Triplets delivered | Received a new bundle of joy today, a Compucolor II, Osborne 1 and a Sharp PC-4501 plus books, docs, software and magazines. Will need some time to catalog and document everything and get them on the site but look for more coming soon.
Today the first commercial microprocessor, the Intel 4004, turned 40 years old.
2011-10-12 | RIP Dennis Ritchie | The man who helped bring us the C programming language and UNIX has passed away at the age of 70. He not only helped to make it possible for me to feed my family as a programmer, but to have fun doing it as well. He will be greatly missed.
2011-10-05 | Steve Jobs 1955-2011 | Rest in peace Steve, and thank you for your part in bringing me my Apple ][+ and my iPad.
Added the Mindset Operations Guide to the Resource section.
2011-08-12 | IBM PC turns 30 | The IBM PC turns 30 today. How far systems have come since that day.
2011-08-11 | Happy Birthday Woz! | A big happy birthday to Steve Wozniak who is 61 today. Thank you for many years learning and playing with the Apple II.
2009-10-19 | The scanning will continue | Added more documents today. Atari 1050 Owner's Guide, Atari Trak-Ball Controller Owner's Manual and the Tandy Color Computer Multi-Pak Interface Owner's Manual were added to the Resources sections for those systems.
Posted a copy of my old Honeywell GCOS Time-Sharing System Pocket Guide, my Honeywell FORTRAN Pocket Guide and my GMAP Pocket Guide in the Miscellaneous section of the site. From my fun days with the Honeywell mainframe in college.
Added a new PDF to the Miscellaneous Resource Center. This is the Aquarius Software Catalog from 1982. More to come as I get this pile of stuff scanned.
Between moving followed by a little thing like hurricane Ike, the site has been down for a LONG time but is finally back up. We have a lot of work to do to update everything and a lot to catch up on, email, info, etc. It's good to be back at last though.
Added the May 1980 Exidy Catalog and Price List to the Exidy Resorces section of the site. Received a Exidy Sorcerer in original box, tv and box of doc and software recently so expect more updates as I can get to them.
One of the items in the box of Exidy stuff was an unopened package of 4116 16K dynamic rams from Radio Shack. Price on them is $7.95 which is a lot less than I paid for my first set of eight 4116s. I have to admit, finding this gave me a bit of a thrill.
2006-11-05 | New SuperPET doc | Added a copy of the SuperPET Waterloo microAPL manual in our Commodore section.
Added the Exidy S-100 Expansion Unit Technical Manual and Software Internals Manual to the Exidy resource section.
Added a Laser 128 (Apple IIc clone) and manual.
Update: Added gallery images for the Laser 128.
2006-10-09 | New feature - image gallery | Something I've always wanted to add to the site was a collection of photos under each system's entry so I had more than just the one image I have on many of the system pages. Finally got around to adding it, though only one system uses it at the moment, need to take more pics now that I have the code in place to support the images. You can see it currently on the entry for my PDP-11/34. I'll tweek it some as I go along but for now it lets me get more photos up.
Update: Added a couple of others now, my Z-110 and XOR S-100.
Happy 25th Birthday to the IBM PC. How different things are today from back then.
2006-07-25 | New life in the Apple II | I received two IDE/CompactFlash interface cards for the Apple II today. I'd order them from and I've put one in an Apple IIgs. Discoved my original IIgs won't power up (haven't used it in some time) but I have spares. So far it's working really nicely. I've transfered some Apple images from my PC using a CF reader and booted the IIgs from a 32 meg CF card. May use the IDE part one day but for now, I'll pick up a bigger CF card for it and just use it. It has brought new interest in the Apple II around here.
Started to sort and catalog our book collection so added a new section to our Library area listing the books in our collection. Only one shelf from one bookcase done so far so there are a lot more to come.
Added flyers for Sperry 5000/50 and 5000/90 systems to the Misc Resource section and ads for Commodore Vic 20, the LNW80 Model 2, the MTU-130, OSI, Pied Piper and Sharp PC-1500 to the Related section. Also issue 1 of the TI99/4A newsletter, Home Computer Compendium, in the TI99 Resource section.
Added a couple of OSI catalogs to the OSI resource area.
2006-06-09 | Anyone with blank MO media? New PowerMacs. | I was just given a Panasonic LF-3000 Magneto Optical scsi drive. Now I just need some blank media for it. :)
Just received a Mac 9600/300 and two G3s. Not sure yet exactly what model the G3s are or what the configuration is on any of these three systems. Have to check them out this weekend.
2006-06-07 | Exidy additions | Received another Exidy Sorcerer, this time with S-100 expansion with disk controller, memory and i/o cards. Also a monitor, 2 8" floppy drives, lots of doc and software and other stuff. I'll be adding scans of the doc and stuff soon. In the middle of work travel season so it has to wait until that's over.
Received an OSI Challenger 2P with a monitor and lots of software. Also came with what is almost a ton of documentation, newsletters and books. Ok, that box doesn't really weigh a ton but it sure felt like it. Going to take me a while to sort through all the doc and stuff.
Today I received a box of issues of Softside, the TRS-80 Microcomputer News and an issue of onComputing. Really wonderful stuff. I'll update the magazine listing shortly.
2006-02-23 | New sell/trade section | Added a new section for items I have in the collection that I want to either sell or trade. Check them out and if you see something you are interested in drop me a line. All offers will be considered, even offers of "I'll come by and just take it off your hands" in some cases. I'll be adding items as I sort through the collection.
2006-02-06 | NeXTstation TurboColor | Received a donation of a NeXTstation TurboColor from Dale in Canada. Complete system plus lots of doc, magazines, books and software. Cataloging and setting up now.
Went to visit a friend in another city and as we we heading out from the hotel one day I discovered a new Goodwill Computer Center I hadn't known about before. Turned out to be a new store. Added an Atari 800xl, Commodore C128, TI-99/4A all in original packaging. Also added a spare Sega Dreamcast and Aquarius Data Recorder.
2005-11-09 | New Look and New Adam | We have a new look to the site. Have to look for broken links and any things that went missing in the change and still have lots to do but it's a start in the first overhaul of the site in years.
Picked up a third Coleco Adam system. This one came with original doc, 57 data packs of software, external non-printer power supply and best of all, a 256K ram card and an IDE interface. Looking forward to exploring those options.
A Commodore C64, DEC Rainbow and Osborne 1 ads added to the Classic Computer Ad section.
Added Atari 400, 800 and 1200XL owner's guides.
2005-11-04 | Apple & TRS-80 PDFs | Added manuals for the OSS CP/A OS, Editor Assembler and BASIC systems for the Apple II. Also added some TRS-80 newsletters from 1979.
Continuing to add PDF documents to the site. I've added several old sales flyers and such.
PET flyer in the CBM8 section, Electric Pencil, Sol Extended BASIC, Sol Helios, Vector MZ, Vector MZ Word Processor and Whatsit Database flyers in the CPM section, Interact and Odyssey 2 flyers in the Miscellanous section, OSI Challenger Line and OSI C2-8P flyers in the new OSI section, and Tandy 10, TRS-80 Model 2 and TRS-80 Computer Catalog RSC2 in the TRS80 section.
Added the remaining Apex docs I had to the Apple 2 resource center. Also added a new Heathkit resource center with some sales docs there for now.
2005-10-25 | Apple II Apex OS Manual | Posted a PDF of the manual for the Apex OS for Apple II systems. You can find it in the Apple 2 resources section.
2005-10-23 | Resource Center Cleanup | Went through and cleaned up the Resource Center. Added links, removed some dead ones and other basic clean up. One thing I noticed is how many archives have disappeared. Since I have a lot more space on the server now I'm considering creating mirrors of some archives.
2005-10-22 | Apple II updates | I've been updating links and such in the Apple II section of the Resource Center. Added a few new links and updated a few that had changed. More updates to follow.
I've upgrade the server here making a big jump in power and storage space so I've been tweaking and updating stuff. Added the new server into the list and restored my NeXTstation system to the list as well. Picked it up last year but lost its entry after an HDD crash before the next backup. Otherwise just a few minor tweaks to the site. More stuff to come as I have some more things scanned, just need to clean them up first.
2005-03-24 | Old Apple Gift Catalog | I've scanned an old Apple Gift Catalog and put it up as a pdf. This catalog showed several items that Apple use to sell with their logo displayed. It was fun looking back over it as I counted how many of these items I have myself. You can see it in my Apple 2 area in the "History" section.
Added my new workhorse system, a dual athlon 2400+ mp based system.
2003-11-27 | Changes and additions | I've almost completed the site's new look. Only a little left to convert. Once it's all in a consistant format, then I can decide what to do with it next.
Added one piece of new hardware today, a Data General THiiN Line Site Stak 500. Actually had this for a while but didn't really have a chance to find out anything about it until now. Plan to load linux on it and use it as a server around the home network.
Changing the layout of the site some as I add some new stuff to it. This is the first major change in over 5 years. About time I got things going here again.
2003-09-03 | Cleaning up some | Cleaning up so old links, removing bad ones and updating others to newer URLs. Updated links in general resources for 6502, Apple II, Atari, Commodore, CP/M, PDP-8, PDP-11 and Exidy Sorcerer pages. More to come.
Ok, been busy with life for a while. But I'm back and working on the collection again. Picked up another Aquarius in the original box with manual and a cassette of games. Mainly wanted the box and software. Also picked up an OSI manual, TRS-80 manual and a few other items. Spending time now reorganizing the collection and bringing the site up to date. More soon.
Been a while since I had a chance to update news here. A lot has happened. Of real note is the recent acquisition of another Exidy Sorcerer. Came with a Video 100 monitor and the DevPak cart and an S-100 card cage with an unknown card (Sorcerer interface?) and a memory card. Of lesser interest are some Pentium and Pentium 2 machines I've received along with some large monitors. These go on my network to use for surfing and games. That's about all for now. More as I get back into things again.
2001-12-01 | Departures & arrivals | Well I let go of all my PDP-8 hardward. Figured I'd never
have the chance to actually work on it and I have the DecMates
now anyway. I also let go of the Sun 3/50 hardware. But I
have picked up one new system, a dual cpu BeBox. Another
hardware line cast adrift. A shame as it looks like a fun
little box. Now to see what it can do.
2001-10-29 | A collector's nightmare | Just suffered through a computer collector's nightmare, moving.
I moved my entire collection to a new location over the past
few weeks. I'm taking the time to do a new inventory and plan
to trade off several of the systems. Of course I can't stop
getting new additions and during the move I picked up a large
part of a friends collection. Most notable are the
Kaypro 4, Commodore SX-64, 52 meg SupraDrive for an ST,
Commodore 8250 & 4040 drives along with many other items
too numerious to list. You can check the updates on the
collection page.
More to come along with some stuff being offered up for trade/sale/free.
2001-08-05 | A few new items | Picked up several new items today, 3 more RCA VIPs, some Atari 800 carts,
some cards for the TI-99/4A expansion box, an Atari 600xl, and Atari 800xl,
an Atari 1030 modem and 410 tape drive and 2 Atari 400s along with a
VT 220 terminal. Also picked up the books, The Amstrad Companion and
Practical Logo on the Amstrad. And while on a trip recently I found 2 copies of
Osborne/McGraw-Hill's PET/CBM Personal Computer Guide and a copy of
Hands-On BASIC with a PET.
Picked up two microVAX IIs today along with a PDP-11/60. There was an RK05J drive and a 9-track tape drive along with all that. Received some PDP-11/60 doc and print sets too. In addition I picked up a copy of "The Official Book for the Commodore 128 Personal Computer", "Commodore 128 System Guide", "Atari 130XE Owner's Manual" and a catalog of Amiga software and hardware. A good day. Now I have enough VAX equipment to get these running. Just need to pick up a hobbyist's license for VMS and the software.
We've recently received an S-100 based Poly-88 system which
has only partially been completed with part still in the kit
form. I'll be looking for some time to complete the construction
of this system.
Also received an Atari Portfolio with 3 extra memory cards and
the PC Card reader to transfer data to/from the Portfolio and
a PC.
Both of these have been added to the museum.
2001-05-06 | Updates and new stuff | I updated some of the links and added some new ones
in the TRS-80 section. We also added
a Color Computer Disk System Quick Reference Guide there.
We picked up several new systems, 3 SWTPC 6800 systems,
a Netronics Computer Explorer, 2 TI99/4A PEBs, 3 RCA
Cosmac VIPs, and a Commodore Super-PET (on loan). I'm
working on pics and other info for them so watch the
collection pages.
2001-02-04 | Updated CP/M Link | Corrected the link to the Unofficial CP/M Web Site in the
CP/M section.
2001-01-17 | Some new items. | Picked up a Platinum model Apple //e today. This should give
us one of each model of the Apple II now I believe. Also
added another Sega Master System and gun along with a few
new Atari 2600 carts.
2000-11-18 | The Sol shines bright! | After many years of wishing and at least 3 years of really trying, I finally
have a Processor Technology Sol 20 Terminal Computer!!
This arrived recently along with my first OSI system, a C1P.
These are both systems I've been looking for for a long time. If anyone has an
S-100 disk controller and drives that I could use with the Sol, please drop
me a line. I'm expecting doc on these
soon and will be putting some online. In the meantime, check out Jim Battle's
great Sol site at
He even has an emulator there in case you'd like to play with a Sol but don't have one.
Still cataloging all the TI and Amiga stuff that came in
recently. We've added some more updates to our
list. Copies of 99'er Home Computer Magazine and The
Transactor and an issue or two of other misc magazines have
been added to the library. Also updated the
TI Library with new books and doc.
That's right, we just rescued around 400 pounds of TI and
Amiga hardware, software, doc and magazines!! It will take
some time to sort, identify and catalog it but so far we
know there is an Amiga 1000 and a TI-99/4A with expansion
box in there. Also a large collection of early issues of
Amazing Computing and a very nice collection of issues of
MICROpendium. We'll update as we catalog everything but in the
meantime, we've updated out magazine library with the
issues of Amazing Computing
and MICROpendium we've done so far.
We've added a Commodore Plus/4 system with original box,
power supply and rf hookup after a trip to Austin, TX. Also
picked up some misc drives and doc.
2000-07-22 | Casting another spell. | Picked up another Exidy Sorcerer with MPI printer,
BASIC cart, some more doc, newsletters and some misc
S-100 boards. Working on scanning more Exidy doc for the
2000-07-17 | New Coleco Adam Items | Picked up a copy of Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom on an Adam
Data Pak along with two books, Coleco Adam User's Handbook
and Adam's Companion. Could still use a copy of
SmartBASIC on Data Pak as the only copy I have on hand is
bad. If you can help, drop me an
2000-07-16 | Sorcerer rises from the dead! | Philip M. Scull has sent me a link to a Java based emulator
for the Exidy Sorcerer which he has started to develop. It
requires a Java enabled browser, but if you'd like to try
it out, pop over to our
Exidy Sorcerer pages for the link. I
tried it out on a very short little program in Exidy BASIC.
It was cool!
2000-07-14 | Some new additions. | We've received an Apple IIgs with a Woz case and an Apple
II Video Overlay Card, Transwarp GS, RAMKeeper, drives,
monitor and ImageWriter II printer. We can use any doc
someone can copy for us on these cards.
Also added several links to the Apple II section,
the Atari section, the CP/M section,
the PDP-8 section, the Exidy Sorcerer section
and started a 6502 section.
2000-06-21 | New Systems In! | Received 2 DECmates along with an RX02 dual 8" drive unit
and a DECLetterPrinter 100 printer. Some doc and software
too but I haven't had time to set them up and check them out.
Also picked up another base unit for an Apple IIgs, a Mac+
base without keyboard or mouse and a FD501 floppy drive and
controller for a T/RS Color Computer. You can check these out
along with all the other items in the collection at our
World of Discarded Computers.
Cataloged some more issues of the Tandy Color Computer
magazines, The Rainbow and
Undercolor. Check the listings in our old
magazine list.
Added some more links to the Atari 8-Bit
section. More to come.
It's been a bit since the last news update but we've still
been busy. We've added 2 more Atari 800s along with 810
drives and tons of docs and software. Also a Coco-3 with
drive and tons of software and doc as well. New books on
programming in Watfiv and using Wordstar. A bunch of
Commodore Pet parts and doc. Another Timex Sinclair 1000 along
with some software and extra memory. And another Atari 2600
system, this one in the form of the Sears Tele-Games Video
Arcade machine.
We also have scanned several new pieces of doc we'll be
cleaning up and posting soon so hang in there. We're
still here, just busy, busy, busy.
2000-03-08 | Original Apple II | Rescued an original Apple II along with 2 disk drives, monitor,
lots of software and extras.
1999-12-11 | A few new things |
New Additions and Updates
Picked up a TRS-80 Model 1 Monitor/Keyboard combo without PSU and
a Mac Radius Color Pivot Monitor. Both without doc so if
you have some I can pick up,
email me. I've
also made a few minor updates to some of the special sections
for the different systems. New emulator listings, links,
minor stuff like that.
1999-12-04 | DEC Library Grows |
First DECmate items arrive
The first of several shipments containing a complete DECmate
system have begun arriving at the Trailing Edge. First to
arrive is a box containing doc and software for the DECmate.
Included are DECmate Word Processing Quick Lookup Guide,
DECmate Owner's Guide, DECmate Word Processing
Reference Manual, DECmate Word Processing Using List
Processing, Word Processing the Basics (version 2) and
a box full of 8" RX02 floppy disks.
The DECmate itself, a printer and RX02 drives are on their
way. We'll have more up on this new addition as it arrives.
Some New Additions
We've acquired a couple of Z-19 terminals, a Video Tech
Laser 50 and a later style Atari 2600. Check out
our collection for the entry on the Laser 50. Also made
a few minor mods to various pages around the site but nothing
major. There are some more additions to the various sections
for each of the different systems soon so check back. More
docs and such.
1999-10-05 | The Sorcerer Gains Power! |
Exidy Sorcerer site continues to expand!
Al Kossow has contributed PDF versions of the
Sorcerer Software Manual
and the
Sorcerer Technical Manual
on the Trailing Edge's
Exidy Sorcerer Pages. I hope to
be able to provide both HTML and PDF versions of each of
the manuals in the future. Thanks Al for helping to
document this little known gem on the web!
1999-09-20 | Linking Things Up |
And More New Links
Added a section on the
PDP-8. More to come as I sort
through my stuff.
New Links
Added some more links to the
Atari 8-bit section and added
TRS-80 section. More to come in
these and other areas.
1999-09-06 | Fine Day Indeed |
New Arrivals
We received several new systems today including, an original
Commodore PET 2001, XOR S-100 Bus CP/M system, another TI-99/4A
(this time in the original box), an Interact, a Bendix Terminal
and a Bendix LogicPort. Check out the
collection to see these
and the other systems which have found new homes here. More to
1999-09-05 | More Exidy Sorcerer Docs |
Chapter 9 & 10 Added
I've added
Chapter 9 of the Exidy
Sorcerer BASIC manual which describes string handling and
Chapter 10 on subroutines.
Check out the other items in the
Exidy section if you've missed them.
1999-09-04 | Some new arrivals |
New members of the family
Not much happening at the moment but do want to welcome
some new members to the collection. We've received a
new Coleco Adam, Data General AViiON 4625,
Kaypro II and
a Mac Classic recently. You can check them out with the
rest of
our collection. As
usual, if you have anything for these, especially the AViiON,
drop me a line at
I'm in need of help getting the AViiON's internal ethernet configured. If you
can help out, please email me.
1999-07-25 | More Exidy, More Books, New Site |
Chapter 13 Up!
Placed Chapter 13 and the first 4 appendixes of the
Exidy BASIC manual
online. That's
the final chapter and just leaves 3 appendixes to do now. I'll
have them up soon.
New Books Added
I've received some new books and manuals for the
library. Advanced TRS-80 Level II BASIC,
Kaypro Microsoft BASIC, and Kaypro MICROPLAN
Site Backend Reworked
I completely reworked the backend of the site recently.
It's been running for over a week now and seems to respond
faster than the old system. This new setup will make it
easier to add new features to the site. For example, the
systems in our collection, can now be sorted by model or
company. Go ahead, try it out here.
Exidy Graphics from BASIC explained
Chapter 12 of the Exidy Sorcerer BASIC manual is now
online. This is the chapter which
explains graphics in Exidy BASIC so have fun!
Home found for homeless computers.
We've been able to provide a good home for several new/old
systems during the past few days. A Timex/Sinclair 2068,
Franklin Ace 1200 and a TRS-80 Model 16B have all arrived.
Several others should be on their way soon.
It's about time to update the photos I guess. Check out the
new members in
our collection. In addition, we've
received a 16K RAM Expansion Module for the Tandy MC-10 and the book,
PET/CBM PERSONAL COMPUTER GUIDE to go into the library.
Sorcerer ROMs
Ok, I think I've finally been able to get a clean download
of the Exidy Sorcerer ROMs up on the
Exidy site. Watch for
some exciting news soon.
1999-04-24 | More Exidy BASIC |
Exidy BASIC Manual
Added another chapter to the
Exidy Standard BASIC manual.
More to come. Also picked up a new Orchestra 90-CC for the
TRS-80 Coco and an Asteroids cart for the Atari 800. Some
other updates are in the works so check back.
1999-04-05 | Updated Exidy Sorcerer ROMS!! |
Fixed ROMS!
Leslie Ayling pointed out that the original versions of
the Exidy Sorcerer ROMS were corrupted and provided corrected versions.
You can retrieve corrected roms on the
Exidy Sorcerer page.
Thanks Leslie!
Check back as we hope to have some
more Exidy Sorcerer stuff coming from Leslie.
Exidy Doc Updates
Trying out new OCR software so I've begun to catch up on
the Exidy Sorcerer manuals.
Chapter 11
of the BASIC manual is now up. More to come.
Updates Re-Started
Wow, it has been a little while since I've had a chance to
process the back log of updates to the site but they are
finally starting to show up. We've added a few new members
to the small collection here and they'll be up shortly.
Atari, CBM and CP/M Pages
Added several new items to the Trailing Edge's
Atari 8-Bit,
Commodore and
CP/M Pages. More to come.
VCF 3.0
This is something I've been meaning to add for sometime now.
If you have any interest in classic systems at all, you really
owe it to yourself to check out the
Vintige Computer Festival.
1998-12-30 | Unloved Systems Finds New Home |
New Family Members
We've received some new additions to our family of unwanted
computer systems, unwanted by others but cared for by us. A
TRS-80 Model 4P and a Tandy CM-8 RGB Monitor were both
rescued recently. They are both in need of attention after
their life in the shelters but you'll be able to see them
in the warmth of our
Many of the collection's pages have been updated with new
minor additions and acquisions. More to come.
Party Time
In case I don't have an update before then,
here is wishing all of you a Happy New Year!! Hope
1999 is one of the best years yet for you and yours!
1998-12-27 | Back to the past. |
Exidy BASIC Saga
Added the next two chapters, 6 and 7, to the
Exidy BASIC manual.
Streamlined the process on that one so I should be able to
do them a little faster now.
OS Ref Addition
OS-9 has joined the list of older operating systems on the
OS Quick Ref.
1998-12-26 | Laid back holidays |
Busy Holidays
Haven't updated things much since I've been busy during the
Holidays but I have added chapter 5 to the Exidy Sorcerer
BASIC manual. Hope to add more shortly. Check it out at
Commodore's Secrets
Added a link in the
Commodore 8-bit Section to a really interesting
Commodore website titled, Secret Weapons of Commodore. Be sure and
check it out and see what might of been.
OS Quick Ref
I've added an
Old Operating System Quick Ref
for people who find older systems
without manuals or just can't seem to remember what that command was. Not many
there yet; Apple DOS, Coco DOS, 6809 FLEX, OSI OS-65D; but more are in the
What's New Section
I've added this "What's New" section so you can quickly see
what has changed at the Trailing Edge. This will be your one
stop spot to find out what new info or items have appeared so
you won't have to search the entire site to find the latest
Exidy BASIC manual updated
Chapter 4 of the Standard BASIC for the Sorcerer
manual is now on-line. You can check it out and the rest of the slowly
growing Exidy site at Other chapters are
currently being scanned and should be up soon. After the BASIC manual I plan to
add the Sorcerer Technical Manual. Others, such as the Dev PAK manual and
the Word Processing PAK manual, are in the queue as well.
New Acquisitions
Some new items to arrive at the Trailing Edge are two
Zenith Z-100 series systems. Check them out in the World of Discarded Computers here.
The first to receive attention is the Low-Profile Z-110. It has been cleaned up,
some rotted foam replaced and its drives reinstalled but its power supply seems
bad. If you can help with a replacement or repairs, drop me a line at Next it's on to
the All-In-One Z-120.
Library Inventory Continues
I've updated the listing of
magazines in the Trailing Edge's library.
Added were issues of Nibble, Nibble MAC, SoftSide, Micro, Call-A.P.P.L.E.,
and a misc section for magazines I only have an issue or two of such as
Recreational COMPUTING, MACazine and others. Also added the De Re Atari
and Atari Tech Manuals to the
Atari library and APEX, including
XPL0, manual to the Apple library.